Published Date: 2023-02-11 05:31:03 GMT
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Jordan (09): livestock, st SAT-2, control, vaccination
Archive Number: 20230211.8708308


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Fri 10 Feb 2023
Source: Al Wakeel News [in Arabic, machine trans., abridged, edited]

Today, Friday [10 Feb 2023], the 1st phases of the action plan for controlling the spread of foot-and-mouth disease [FMD] were launched in the vicinity of the epicenter of the spread within the Al-Dulail and Al-Khalidiyah regions, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

The ministry said in a statement that the vaccination campaign began in the distant areas surrounding the focus, to prevent spread, followed by vaccination of animals closer to the epicenter of the outbreak.

The Minister of Agriculture, Eng. Khaled Al-Hanifat, stated that the ministry took into account biosecurity measures during the vaccination process, through the use of special clothing in each farm and the use of disinfectants before and after entering the farms that were vaccinated. This refers to all involved as well as vehicles and equipment. Each farm will be handled by a single, dedicated team.

The minister said that the ministry is preparing to receive experts in epidemiology from the reference laboratory in Italy to verify the measures taken by the ministry in encountering the disease. All activities have been implemented under the supervision of an expert from the World Organization for Animal Health [WOAH] and in cooperation with the private sector. The second batch of private vaccines with the new strain is expected to arrive at the beginning of next week.

Communicated by:
ProMED Rapporteur Mahmoud Orabi

Date: Thu 9 Feb 2023
Source: Petra - Jordan News Agency [in Arabic, machine trans., edited]

The Minister of Agriculture, Eng. Khaled Al-Hanifat, said the mechanism of the work of the committee for limiting damages and compensation in the foot-and-mouth disease [FMD] file has been agreed with the associations representing the cattle sector on. The work will be carried out within 2 tracks, as compensation for expenses or milk will be made after the completion of the work of the committee during 2 weeks from the peak of infection.

Dr Al-Hanifat added, while chairing a meeting today, Thursday [9 Feb 2023], that the ministry is working on a road map that includes all the necessary technical procedures, pointing to the arrival of experts from WOAH in the field of epidemiology and the laboratory to help update and improve the action plan. The meeting was attended by Dr Ghazi Yehia, regional representative for the Middle-East of the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), Dr. Ali Al-Ramahi, the organization's reporting program official, Professor of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology at the University of Science and Technology [Irbid, Jordan], and Director of the Studies and Forecasting Unit at the National Center for Security and Crisis Management, as well as the heads of the concerned associations in Al-Dulail area [Zarqa governorate].

He noted the start of vaccination starting today [9 Feb 2023], to be continued during the next week, as 64 000 doses are currently available while larger amounts are expected during the coming weeks, stressing that a meeting will be held every 72 hours for all participants. In addition, the emergency room will operate around the clock, to publish a daily report on the number of cases and deaths and the course of activities.

During the meeting, the attendees reviewed the work plan, mechanisms for dealing with the disease, and ways to limit the disease within the focus of infection. The organization provided an explanation of the plan, which includes the closure of the affected area, implementing all biosecurity precautions, such as cleaning, disinfection, and prevention of animal movement. Epidemiological investigation teams are to follow the application of the biosecurity measures and the vaccination, so that it is updated continuously according to the expansion of the infection circle, and proceeding with immunization procedures and the distribution of areas, a hot zone, which is within a circular area with a diameter of 10 km [6.2 mi] immunized with a standard dose of an FMD SAT-2 vaccine, and a hot zone with a diameter 5 km [3.1 mi] from the end of the hot zone which will be vaccinated with a double dose of the said vaccine.

The plan also includes the preparation of directives and continuous seminars for farmers on proper procedures for dealing with FMD and the implementation of an epidemiological study (epidemiological survey) for all regions of the Kingdom.

For his part, the Executive of WOAH [Dr. Yehya] affirmed the organization's keenness to support the ministry in its efforts, including an action plan, procedures, coordination, attracting experts, and providing farmers with devices and equipment that help prevent the spread of the disease.

Communicated by:
ProMED Rapporteur Mahmoud Orabi

[The Kingdom of Jordan is one of the countries participating in the Progressive Control Pathway for Foot and Mouth Disease control (PCP-FMD), launched by EuFMD, FAO and WOAH.

A global map presenting the PCP status of countries which are included in the Progressive Control Pathway for Foot and Mouth Disease (PCP-FMD), is available at

PCP-FMD stage 0 = FMD risk not controlled. No reliable information.
PCP-FMD stage 1 = Risks and control options are identified.*
PCP-FMD stage 2 = Impact of FMD is reduced in targeted sectors / areas*
PCP-FMD stage 3 = Virus circulation is reduced where the national Official Control Programme is applied
PCP-FMD stage 4 = Achieve WOAH recognition of freedom with vaccination.

After being rated 4, countries can achieve 2 upgraded stages:
4a: Maintain FMD freedom. Cease vaccination to achieve freedom without vaccination
4b: Maintain FMD freedom without vaccination.

*A 'Provisional' status (applicable for stages 1 and 2) means that the country is granted 6 months to provide additional information including Control Plan; if not, they will be downgraded to the previous stage.

In the Middle East region, 13 countries are included in the road map for PCP-FMD. Jordan is rated "provisional 2".

To achieve a permanent (non provisional) stage 2, Jordan has been given assistance by EuFMD, FAO, WOAH and others. The report of the (virtual) 100th session of the executive Committee of EuFMD, undertaken on 17 Nov 2022, included the following information about activities related to Jordan, during 2022:
- Assistance provided to update the Risk Based Surveillance Plan;
- The Emergency Management Center and EuFMD organized a meeting with Israel, Jordan, and Palestine in Rome to share information on the viruses circulating in the sub-region and coordinate control measures;
- FMD sero-surveillance supported;
- Jordan's Risk based Strategic Plans were reviewed;
- SmallScale Immunogenicity studies (SSIS) supported.

It is encouraging to follow Jordan's current efforts in confronting the introduced FMDV SAT-2 strain, benefitting from continued international technical and scientific support. This will, hopefully, prevent a situation of the dimensions experienced in Egypt in 2012, when FMDV SAT-1 caused a catastrophic murrain, killing thousands of cattle and buffalos accompanied by social and economic disturbances. - Mod.AS

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