Published Date: 2023-02-08 01:54:18 GMT
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Jordan (08): livestock, st SAT-2, vaccines
Archive Number: 20230208.8708236


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Import FMD vaccine permitted

Date: Tue 7 Feb 2023
Source: Watana News [in Arabic, machine trans., edited]

Watan Al-Youm: The Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture facilitated the entry (import) of the foot-and-mouth disease vaccine, according to a circular issued by the ministry.

The circular guarantees allowing the introduction of vaccines by farmers (with travelers) without organizing customs data and exempting them from any fees.

Communicated by:
ProMED Rapporteur Mahmoud Orabi

[The report does not specify the valency of the allowed FMD vaccine, namely serotype O or SAT-2. Both are, reportedly, currently circulating in Jordan. It may be assumed that the import is restricted to specified vaccines from accredited manufacturers, accompanied by their production and testing protocols while waiving bureaucratic steps in order to speed up the procedures. That, in view of the current emergency situation created by the penetration to Jordan of the exotic, highly pathogenic FMD strain and the possibly continued circulation of the serotype O strain. - Mod.AS]

Emergency FMD SAT-2 vaccine production discussed

Date: Mon 6 Feb 2023
Source: Petra - Jordan News Agency [edited]

The Ministry of Agriculture began procedures for the production of a vaccine for the foot-and-mouth disease (SAT2 strain) after a recent outbreak in the Dhelil area in Zarqa.

Minister of Agriculture Khaled Hunaifat stressed on Monday [6 Feb 2023] the need to move ahead with the procedures for manufacturing the vaccine and to take scientific and technical measures, in addition to adhering to the regulations governing its production, noting that this would be a great investment opportunity to supply the region with the vaccine.

Earlier today [6 Feb 2023] the Agricultural Engineers Association assured that the local animal products are safe for human consumption.

Communicated by:
ProMED Rapporteur Mahmoud Orabi

[A similar situation prevailed in the region in 2012, when FMDV SAT-2 spread into Egypt and Libya. Following a regional meeting in Istanbul organized by the FAO/EU to discuss the situation and collect data from all regional countries, Egypt decided to produce an emergency vaccine. Such a step required, in the 1st stage, the adaptation of the field virus strain to growth in tissue culture while hoping that the strain involved is sufficiently immunogenic. - Mod.AS

ProMED map of Jordan:,91