Published Date: 2023-03-18 17:34:55 GMT
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Turkey (04): livestock, st SAT-2, control, vaccination
Archive Number: 20230318.8709006


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Wed 15 Mar 2023
Source: Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Press Release [in Turkish, machine trans., edited]

Information About the SAT-2 Virus
Upon the emergence of developments related to foot-and-mouth disease [FMD] in Iraq, samples from different locations were sent to our Ministry's Foot and Mouth Institute [Alum, Ankara] Directorate within the framework of the Sample Sending and Testing Protocol under the coordination of the European Union Commission for Combating Foot and Mouth Disease (EuFMD).

Our institute determined that a sample was serotype SAT-2, which has not been found in our country before. The agent was isolated and studies were immediately started for the production of a vaccine against this serotype in our country. All stakeholders, as well as our Provincial Directorates, were warned about the issue.

In order to prevent the spread of the disease to our country, our Ministry immediately contacted the relevant institutions and provided necessary information on increasing border surveillance and road control activities.

As a result of meticulous work in the field, the 1st case with FMDV serotype SAT-2 was identified. All measures, including cordon-quarantine, have been taken in 8 enterprises that are currently infected. On 8 Mar 2023, the necessary notification was made to the World Animal Health Organization [WOAH].

As a result of the studies carried out by our Alum Institute Directorate, a vaccine against the SAT-2 serotype was produced and made ready for use as of 9 Mar 2023.

All measures to prevent the spread of the disease were taken by the National Center for Disease Control, which was deployed upon these developments, and all movements (in and out of the province) of animals susceptible to FMD were stopped throughout the country during the spring FMD vaccination campaign, except for consignments for slaughter, import and export purposes.

All developments regarding FMDV SAT-2 were closely followed by our Ministry from the start and all necessary precautions have been taken. Our Ministry, which has completed the production of vaccine against this serotype, which is seen for the 1st time in our country, is rapidly carrying out the necessary studies for the vaccination of our entire cattle stock.

A total of 2.5 million doses of a tetravalent FMD vaccine, containing SAT-2, produced by our FMD Institute Directorate, have been shipped to the field. Our Institute Directorate continues to produce vaccines containing SAT-2, aiming to complete the dispatch process to all provincial directorates of agriculture as soon as possible .

Communicated by:

[While some information included in the above press release was published by Turkey's Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on 9 Mar 2023 and cited by the local media (see 20230310.8708855), the vaccine production details are new and encouraging. It may be assumed that the release of the vaccine's 1st batch "to the field" is indicative of its safety having already been tested, and its efficacy tested as well or yet under study. Turkey's livestock statistics (2022 data) are -- roughly -- 17 million cattle, 45 million sheep, and 12 million goats.

The Ministry's "Foot and Mouth Disease in Turkey" review is available at It includes information on the FMD vaccination policy, coordinated with and supported by FAO/EuFMD, as applied in Turkey since 1962, when FMDV serotype SAT-1 spread from Bahrain to the Mesopotamian region, the Middle East and Anatolia. The policy has undergone changes since then, according to epidemiological considerations and international OIE/WOAH animal health requirements. Initially, Thrace was declared a (vaccinated) buffer zone. Later, western and eastern buffer zones were established, to prevent, respectively, FMD spread westwards to the Balkan and its introduction from Middle East countries. A trivalent vaccine (serotypes A, O, and Asia1) was applied in the buffer zones. Thrace was the only region maintaining, most of the time, FMD freedom. This situation is currently under threat from FMDV SAT-2. As indicated in the above press release, FMDV SAT-2 has now been added to the (killed) vaccine produced by the Alum Institute in Ankara, becoming tetravalent.

Ramadan is expected to begin this year on 22 Mar 2023, ending 20 Apr 2023. Intensified animal movements are expected preceding and during Ramadan. A large proportion of domestic ruminants will probably remain unvaccinated against the exotic SAT-2 strain. This is the background to the very severe measures undertaken by the Turkish authorities, including closing of animal markets and standstill. - Mod.AS

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