Published Date: 2018-07-15 13:26:34
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Palestinian Auth (03): (WE) spread, st untyped, OIE
Archive Number: 20180715.5905958


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Thu 12 Jul 2018
Source: OIE, WAHID [edited]

Foot-and-mouth disease [FMD], Palestinian Auton. Territories
Information received on 12 Jul 2018 from Dr Iyad Adra, Director General of Veterinary Services & Animal Health, CVO, Ministry of Agriculture, Ramallah, Palestinian Auton. Territories

Report type: Follow-up report No. 1
Date of start of the event: 17 Jun 2018
Date of confirmation of the event: 20 Jun 2018
Report date: 12 Jul 2018
Date submitted to OIE: 12 Jul 2018
Reason for notification: Recurrence of a listed disease
Date of previous occurrence: 30 Jan 2018
Manifestation of disease: Clinical disease
Causal agent: Foot and mouth disease virus
Serotype: Not Sampled
Nature of diagnosis: Clinical, Laboratory (basic)
This event pertains to a defined zone within the country.

Follow-up report No. 1 (12 Jul 2018)
New outbreaks (3)
Outbreak 1: West Bank, Arrabeh, Jenin, West Bank
Date of start of the outbreak: 17 Jun 2018
Outbreak status: Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
Epidemiological unit: Farm
Affected animals
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered
Sheep & goats / 300 / 200 / 0 / 0 / 0

Outbreak 2: West Bank, Ajjah, Jenin, West Bank
Date of start of the outbreak: 21 Jun 2018
Outbreak status: Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
Epidemiological unit: Farm
Affected animals
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered
Sheep & goats / 21 / 5 / 0 / 0 / 0

Outbreak 3: West Bank, Jabai, Jenin, West Bank
Date of start of the outbreak: 27 Jun 2018
Outbreak status: Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
Epidemiological unit: Farm
Affected animals
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered
Sheep & goats 100 / 10 / 0 / 0 / 0
Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 3
Total animals affected
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered
Sheep & goats / 421 / 215 / 0 / 0 / 0

Outbreak statistics [rates apparent, in percentages]
Species / morbidity rate / mortality rate / case fatality rate / Proportion susceptible animals lost*
Sheep & goats / 51.07 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
*Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter

Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection: Unknown or inconclusive

Control measures
Measures applied
Movement control inside the country; Surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone; Surveillance within containment and/or protection zone; Screening; Traceability; Quarantine; Control of wildlife reservoirs; Zoning; Disinfection; No treatment of affected animals
Vaccination in response to the outbreak(s)
Administrative division / Species / Total Vaccinated
West Bank / Sheep & goats / 7500

Measures to be applied: No other measures

Diagnostic test results
Laboratory name and type: Central Veterinary Laboratory (National laboratory)
Species / Test / Test date / Result
Sheep & goats / Non-structural protein ELISA / 27 Jun 2018 / Positive

The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.

Communicated by:

[The 3 outbreaks addressed in the above follow-up report No 1 in Arrabeh, Ajjah and Jabai are all located in the northeastern part of the Jenin governorate, along the Nablus-Jenin road 60. The previous, 1st outbreak within the current event in the PAT, which was reported as an "immediate notification" to the OIE on 20 Jun 2018, was located in Silat-a-Dhahr, similarly in the Jenin governorate (though in contrast with the current event, which affected sheep and goats, it involved cattle). The locations of all 4 not yet serotyped foci in the Jenin governorate can be seen on the OIE summary map of the event at

It may be assumed that the serotype of the 4 Jun 2018 FMD outbreaks in the PAT are homologous or closely related to the FMDV serotype O, which has been reportedly circulating in northeast Israel since April 2018, genotyped O/ME-SA/PanAsia-2(QOM-15). This assumption is underlined by the recent identification of the said strain in sheep in the Israeli village Baqa al-Gharbiyye, situated on the demarcation line ("green line") separating Israel from the Jenin governorate of PAT's West Bank (map at The aerial distance between Baqa al-Gharbiyye and Arabbeh (outbreak No 1 in the follow-up report) is 15 km.

In the past, PAT submitted samples for serology to a regional FMD laboratory.

Israel's most recent follow-up report on the current continuing event dates back to 29 Apr 2018. Several outbreaks are said to have taken place since then, including the current one in Baqa al-Gharbiyye, with west-southwards spread of the virus closer to central Israel; the route of spread could have been through PAT territory.

For Israel's situation as of 29 Apr 2018 with map, see - Mod.AS

HealthMap/ProMED map available at:
West Bank, Palestinian Territory:]