Published Date: 2022-08-04 17:24:13 BST
Subject: PRO/AH> Foot & mouth disease - Malawi: (CK) cattle, st pending, WOAH
Archive Number: 20220804.8704859


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Tue 2 Aug 2022
Source: OIE-WAHIS (World Animal Health Information System) 2022 [edited]

Foot and mouth disease virus, Malawi
General information
Report type: immediate notification
Started: 22 Jul 2022
Confirmed: 2 Aug 2022
Reported: 2 Aug 2022
Reason for notification: recurrence
Causal agent: foot and mouth disease virus
Subtype: not sampled
Nature of diagnosis: clinical, laboratory
This event pertains to a defined zone within the country.

Outbreak location: Jombo, TA Ngabu, Chikwawa
Date of start of the outbreak: 22 Jul 2022
Epidemiological unit: village
Affected animals
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered or killed for commercial use / Vaccinated
Cattle / 800 / 30 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Affected population: a farmer bought some cattle from a nearby market and mixed them with his cattle. 2 days later the animals started showing lesions in the mouth, and hooves, and it spread within the villages since they were grazing together.

Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection: illegal movement of animals; contact with infected animal(s) at grazing/watering points; unknown or inconclusive

Epidemiological comments: the lesions are highly suggestive of FMD and samples (4 tissue and 11 sera) were collected for laboratory diagnosis. The tissue will be sent to a reference lab for typing to inform on the type of vaccine to be used.

Control measures
Domestic control measures applied: surveillance within containment and/or the protection zone; surveillance outside containment and/or the protection zone; movement control; ante and post-mortem inspections

Domestic control measures to be applied: quarantine, disinfestation

Diagnostic test results
Laboratory name and type / Species / Test / Test date / Result
Central Veterinary Laboratory, MWI (national laboratory) / cattle / ELISA for the detection of antibodies against non-structural proteins (NSP ELISA) / 2 Aug 2022 / positive

[The location of the outbreak can be seen on the interactive map included in the OIE report at the source URL above.]

communicated by:

[Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is endemic in Malawi. The following information is available from the WRLFMD-Pirbright Institute (

FMD virus serotype / Years
Untyped / 2015
O / 1957, 1962, 1974-1975, 1982, 1985, 1998
A / 1966-1967, 1973, 1974 (carrier cattle), 1981
SAT1 / 1970-1971, 2000-2001, 2015-2016, 2021
SAT2 / 1959, 1973, 1975, 2003-2004, 2008, 2011, 2019, 2020
SAT3 / 1976

"All 3 SAT serotypes are probably endemic in the African buffalo (_Syncerus caffer_) population."

On 4 Feb 2022 FMD type O was reported in cattle at Lifiledi, Ta Zulu, Mchinji, the event was resolved on 1 Aug 2022. According to the epidemiological comments, "the cattle population in this area graze in a communal grazing land and animals meet from different villages and locations. There is also uncontrolled livestock movement within the locality and near the border villages. 1 Mar 2022, the disease has spread to the nearby 3 villages from the epicentre inwardly 21 Mar 2022, the disease has spread 3 villages more within the dip tank, extra tissue samples have been collected for analysis at BVI 24-25 Mar 2022, a Mapping exercise was conducted to determine the extent of spread of the disease. It was noted that the disease has spread to other areas from the epicentre northeastwards due to illegal movement of animals 8 Apr 2022, the results for samples sent to BVI have confirmed FMD type O circulation in the area and the next step is to vaccinate and create a buffer zone for containment of the disease 16-20 May 2022, primer vaccination of cattle totaling to 19075 for the ring vaccination 27-30 Jun 2022, booster vaccination for the primed cattle totaling to 15 319 for the ring vaccination next step is surveillance in the infected zone since the animals are no longer showing clinical signs hence need to check for remnants then vaccinate in six months to boost the animals." See the final report at

On 1 Apr 2021 FMD type SAT1 was reported in cattle at Msiyamphanje, Lengwe National Park, Chikwawa, Southern Region, see ProMED post 20210414.8307678. - Mod.CRD

ProMED map:
Jombo, Southern Region, Malawi:,68773