Published Date: 2023-02-05 22:36:30 GMT
Subject: PRO/AH> Foot & mouth disease - Jordan (07): livestock, st SAT-2, control
Archive Number: 20230205.8708191


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Sun 5 Feb 2023
Source: Petra-Jordan News Agency [in Arabic, machine trans., edited]

The Ministry of Agriculture said today [Sun 5 Feb 2023] that the results of the foot and mouth disease [FMD] virus analysis at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/ University of Science and Technology, in coordination with the ministry, "revealed the emergence of a new strain of the virus called (SAT2), which was not previously registered in Jordan". The ministry added in a statement that this strain was registered in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Ethiopia [see comment].

It indicated that, based on these results, the Ministry took a number of measures to contain the outbreaks and prevent their transmission to the surrounding areas, including
- communicating with the manufacturers of veterinary vaccines to provide the vaccine that covers this strain;
- closing livestock markets in all regions of the Kingdom for 14 days; and
- forming a committee to limit the damages caused.

[The Ministry] joined the cow breeders and addressed the official authorities to set up checkpoints to prevent the movement of animals between the governorates, in addition to temporarily suspending the import of coarse feed from Iraq and making the necessary arrangements so that the Ministry bears the fees for the waste dump.

The Ministry confirmed the success of a national vaccination campaign that it carried out during the last months of last year [2022] for the previously recorded periods, according to the reference laboratory's conformity report, as a study by a committee formed by the Agriculture and Food Organization "FAO" proved that the results of the initial epidemiological survey are excellent and appropriate and cover the previous periods for animals that were vaccinated within the national campaign.

The Ministry reaffirmed that this disease is not transmitted to humans and does not pose any danger through eating meat and milk, and that it works according to clear, transparent, and temporal mechanisms that are in line with drying up the sources of this disease.

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[FMDV Serotype SAT 2 has also been recorded throughout recent decades in other regional countries such as Iraq (ProMED post 20230204.8708168), Egypt, Libya, and the Palestinian Authority (Gaza district). However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the 1st event caused in the Near/Middle East by the topotype XIV of this serotype, closely related to the SAT-2 strains ETH/3/22 and ETH/2/22. The sequencing results of these 2 strains, collected from cattle in Ethiopia during 2022, are available at (pp. 5-8). This deserves being taken into consideration when a matching vaccine is sought. - Mod.AS]

Date: Sun 5 Feb 2023
Source: Sky News Arabia - Abu Dhabi [in Arabic, machine trans., edited]

On Sunday [5 Feb 2023] the Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture closed livestock markets in the governorates of the Kingdom for a period of 14 days and suspended the import of fodder after new infections with foot and mouth disease [FMD] were detected.

The Ministry of Agriculture said that it is communicating with manufacturers of veterinary vaccines to provide the vaccine that covers the new strain of FMD virus.

Earlier, the ministry announced through official spokesman Lawrence Majali that it worked to distribute and vaccinate 4 million head of sheep and cows as part of the national immunization campaign for FMD, and that the previous vaccination proved successful. In the [current] Sunday [5 Feb 2023] statement, Al-Majali stated that no case of the previous strain has been recorded in sheep and cows; most of the cases that recorded [recently] in the Al-Dalil area are from the new [strain], [against] which the ministry is currently working on providing its own vaccine, registering and allowing the [private] sector to import.

In addition, the minister of agriculture, Khaled Al-Hanifat, has undertaken, according to the spokesman, a set of measures communicated to the Ministry of Interior, the local administration, and the Amman Municipality to proceed with the veterinary quarantine measures [disinfection] and vaccination procedures. He pointed out that the ministry has worked to achieve an infrastructure for the sector, which included a vaccination campaign for all herds of livestock, which reached 4 million [to be] vaccinated, and to start establishing veterinary hospitals.

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Date: Sun 5 Feb 2023
Source: Erembusiness [in Arabic, machine trans., edited]

A new strain of FMD virus struck cows and calves in Jordan, which necessitated the authorities in Jordan to close livestock markets in all governorates of the country for a period of 14 days after new infections were detected. On Sunday [5 Feb 2023], the Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture announced the temporary suspension of the import of coarse fodder from Iraq. The ministry said it is communicating with veterinary vaccine manufacturers to provide the vaccine that covers the new strain of FMD virus.

And the Ministry of Agriculture says that it has worked to distribute and immunize 4 million heads of sheep and cows as part of the national immunization campaign for FMD, saying that the previous vaccine had "proved success". The ministry's spokesman, Lawrence Majali, said in a statement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture that no case of the previous strain was recorded in sheep and cows, as most of the cases that were recorded in the shadows are from the [new] strain, against which the ministry is now working to provide the specific vaccine, getting it registered while allowing the private sector to carry out its import. He added that the minister of agriculture, Khaled Al-Hanifat, took a number of measures and addressed [them] to the Ministry of Interior, the local administration, and the Amman Municipality to proceed with the veterinary quarantine, sterilization, and immunization procedures.

In addition, the head of the Cooperative Society for Cattle Breeders in Jordan, Ali Ghabayen, said in statements that 34 000 heads of cows and calves are in the Al Dhilil area, of which 90% on dairy farms are infected with FMD, pointing to the death of 150 head.

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[The above reports update the information published in ProMED posting 20230204.8708162, in which the current event in Jordan was attributed to FMDV serotype O, which caused earlier epizootics in Jordan.

The 1st complaints of dairy farmers in the Al-Dhalil area about losses due to FMD-suspected event, in allegedly vaccinated animals, date back to the 1st week of January 2023. Iraq notified the WOAH that the SAT2 event started in its North-West on 3 Jan 2023. Further epidemiological investigations are required to establish the route of introduction and spread.

The approaching Ramadan, which traditionally involves intensified trade/movements of livestock for slaughter, is predicted to take place during (late) March 2023. Getting a considerable part of the susceptible animals in Jordan and other Near Eastern countries vaccinated with a potent SAT-2 vaccine before their movements is an ambitious, difficult task on the hands of the respective veterinary services. - Mod.AS

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