Published Date: 2022-07-11 02:04:22 BST
Subject: PRO/AH> Foot & mouth disease - Indonesia (12): livestock, spread, control
Archive Number: 20220711.8704348


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Sun 10 Jul 2022
Source: CNBC Indonesia [in Indonesian, machine trans., edited]

The Task Force for Handling Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) added an article to the Circular Letter (SE) of the FMD Task Force No. 3.2022, to ensure that the traffic of livestock and their products is safe from FMD, as well as to guarantee legal certainty for business actors of livestock and their derivative products.

The added provisions are:

  • Green Zone: positive animals must be destroyed and then buried.
  • Yellow Zone: positive animals must be conditionally slaughtered at the Slaughterhouse (RPH). Specifically, the head, offal, skin, and feet must be buried.
  • Red Zone: positive animals must be isolated by considering the condition of the animal and/or conditional slaughter at the abattoir. Specifically, the head, offal, skin, and feet must be buried.

"In principle, animal health in handling FMD is the responsibility of the entire community, breeders, distributors, RPH officers, traders, to consumers," said Spokesperson for the PMK Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito in a written statement for the week starting [10 Jul 2022].

Meanwhile, <> noted, the spread of FMD cases in the country is increasingly widening. As of the week of [10 Jul 2022] (at 14.30 WIB), there were 336 887 livestock sick due to infection with FMD, 116 717 animals have recovered, 2936 animals were conditionally slaughtered, and the number of dead animals increased to 2128.

The spread extends to 239 districts/cities in 21 infected provinces. It is recorded that the vaccination has reached 421 787 livestock [see comment].

In addition to adding provisions for handling animals detected by FMD, the Circular also stipulates that, in the midst of an FMD outbreak, traffic control is not only carried out on live livestock but also covers processed products, frozen or fresh, which include carcasses, fresh meat, offal, heads, tails, feet, fresh milk, semen produced after the FMD outbreak, embryos produced after the FMD outbreak, eggs produced after the FMD outbreak, wool, raw leather, bristle, animal hair, bones, horns, nails, and teeth/fangs that have not met the technical requirements and/or inactivation of the FMD virus.

Animal products susceptible to FMD originating from abroad are allowed to be transported to all zones/regions, after being subjected to animal product quarantine measures and decontamination treatment.

To control the traffic of animals susceptible to FMD, a number of provisions are stipulated including:

  • Traffic in animals and animal products susceptible to FMD is not permitted to enter or leave the province of Bali, unless coming from abroad with complete administrative documents
  • Animals and animal products susceptible to FMD are not allowed to enter the provinces of East Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi, and are not allowed to leave the provinces of East Java and Central Java
  • Traffic is permitted from Green Zone islands to Red Zone islands, and/or to Green Zone islands with strict Biosecurity measures (disinfection and decontamination), possessing Animal Health Certificate/Veterinary Certificate documents for animals and animal products, documentation of laboratory test results using the ELISA and/or RT-PCR method with negative results for animals, and subject to quarantine measures
  • No traffic from a Red Zone island to a Green Zone island, or to a Red Zone island unless the animal comes from a farm with strict Biosecurity Safeguards implementation
  • Animal products susceptible to FMD with a certificate originating from healthy livestock, have gone through a quarantine process, and are under strict biosecurity supervision under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  • Traffic is not allowed from a Yellow Zone Regency/City to a Green Zone Regency/City, and from a Red Zone Regency/City to a Green Zone Regency/City, and to a Yellow Zone Regency/City.

Communicated by:

[Notably, the published rules do not address vaccination as a factor to be considered within the animal movement policy. This might change when the vaccination coverage improves, provided the efficacy of the applied vaccines is proven and population immunity established . - Mod.AS]

Date: Fri 8 Jul 2022
Source: Tempo [edited]

Indonesia's Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Task Force reported there are 3 provinces where all of their livestock are infected with FMD. To date, a total of 21 provinces have reported FMD cases, with a total of 317 889 cases recorded.

"The latest data shows that in the 3 provinces, East Java, Central Java, and Bangka Belitung, all regencies and cities have reported animals infected with the FMD virus," Wiku Adisasmito, the task force's expert team coordinator, said in an online press conference, Thursday [7 Jul 2022].

Provinces with FMD infection rates of more than 80% of their livestock are West Java (96%), West Sumatra (84%), Jambi (81%) and the Special Region of Yogyakarta (80%).

According to the FMD Task Force, the provinces affected by FMD infection are Riau, Riau Islands, Aceh, West Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu, North Sumatra, Lampung, South Sumatra, Jambi, Banten, Bali, East Java, West Java, Central Java, DI. Yogyakarta, DKI Jakarta, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, and West Nusa Tenggara.

"The most important thing now is to make efforts to protect areas that have not been affected by the FMD, and prevent the virus from entering as much as possible. Maluku, North Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi and Papua are islands in Indonesia that have not been affected by the virus," Wiku said.

Communicated by:

[The control of the trade/movements of animals and their products in Indonesia is highly complex since the Republic is the world's largest island country (more than 17 000 of them) and the largest archipelagic state. The large islands (Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, and parts of Borneo and New Guinea) are composed of provinces which, on their part, may include many islands, each of which may be of different FMD status (such as reds and greens). This should be kept in mind while following the geography of the listed control measures, such as the traffic rules between districts/cities on the same island and the inter-island traffic rules.

According to an earlier (Wed 6 July 2022) media report, the Head of the Animal Quarantine Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Wisnu Wasisa Putra, said: "There are 3 islands in Indonesia that are included in the red zone, namely Java Island, Sumatra Island and Lombok Island". He explained that the 3 islands were categorized as red zones "because 70% of their area already has FMD outbreaks in livestock. The Ministry of Agriculture prohibits any traffic activities of vulnerable livestock or livestock products in red zone areas". In the meantime, Bali island/province has become infected as well.

Earlier, Indonesia's Ministry of Agriculture stated that 17 million livestock were due to be vaccinated, around 80% of the livestock population in provinces affected by the disease. The plan was to inoculate the livestock thrice: twice in 2022 and once in 2023. - Mod.AS

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