Published Date: 2018-08-01 14:54:32
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - China (10): (NM) st O, bovine, OIE
Archive Number: 20180801.5941135


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Tue 31 Jul 2018
Source: OIE, WAHID (World Animal Health Information Database), weekly disease information 2018; 31(31) [edited]

Foot-and-mouth disease, China (People's Rep. of)
Information received on [and dated] 31 Jul 2018 from Dr Zhang Zhongqui, Director General, China Animal Disease Control Centre, Veterinary Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China (People's Rep. of)

Report type: immediate notification
Date of start of the event: 16 Jul 2018
Date of confirmation of the event: 27 Jul 2018
Report date: 30 Jul 2018
Date submitted to OIE: 31 Jul 2018
Reason for notification: new strain of a listed disease
Manifestation of disease: clinical disease
Causal agent: Foot and mouth disease virus
Serotype: O
Nature of diagnosis: clinical, laboratory (basic), laboratory (advanced)
This event pertains to a defined zone within the country.

New outbreaks (1)
Summary of outbreaks
Total outbreaks: 1
Outbreak 1: Nurimu township, Horqin Zuoyi Zhongqi, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia
Date of start of the outbreak: 16 Jul 2018
Outbreak status: continuing (or date resolved not provided)
Epidemiological unit: village
Total animals affected
Species / Susceptible / Cases / Deaths / Killed and disposed of / Slaughtered
Cattle / 149 / 11 / 0 / 149 / 0

Outbreak statistics [rates apparent, expressed as percentages]
Species / morbidity rate / mortality rate / case fatality rate / Proportion susceptible animals lost*
Cattle / 7.38 / 0 / 0 / 100
*Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction, and/or slaughter

Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection: unknown or inconclusive

Control measures
Measures applied: movement control inside the country, screening, traceability, quarantine, official destruction of animal products, official disposal of carcasses, by-products and waste, stamping out, disinfection, vaccination permitted (if a vaccine exists), no treatment of affected animals.
Measures to be applied: no other measures

Diagnostic test results
Laboratory name and type / Species / Test / Test date / Result
Lanzhou National Reference Laboratory for Foot and Mouth Disease (OIE reference laboratory) / Cattle / gene sequencing / 27 Jul 2018 / Positive
Lanzhou National Reference Laboratory for Foot and Mouth Disease (OIE reference laboratory) / Cattle / reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) / 27 Jul 2018 / Positive

Future reporting
The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.

[The location of the outbreak can be seen on the interactive map at the source URL above.]

Communicated by:

[The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD) monthly report "Global Foot-and-Mouth Disease Situation", June 2018 (see, notes that: "Four independent FMD events involving cattle, occurred between [19 May-6 Jun 2018] respectively at Anhui, Shanxi, Hubei, and Guizhou. The outbreaks were all caused by FMDV serotype O. In all cases, the Lanzhou National Reference Laboratory for Foot and Mouth Disease (OIE reference laboratory) carried out the diagnosis using gene sequencing and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). For none of the outbreaks was it possible to identify the source of infection. The control measures that were in general adopted were movement control inside the country, surveillance within containment and/or protection zone, screening, quarantine, official destruction of animal products, official disposal of carcasses, by-products and waste, stamping out, disinfection, vaccination permitted (if a vaccine exists), while no treatment is being provided to the affected animals."

A summary of the animals involved and location of outbreaks are available in the same EuFMD June 2018 report.

In July 2018, 2 events of FMDV serotype O were also reported in Yunnan and Guangdong provinces; see reports below. - Mod.CRD

HealthMap/ProMED-mail map of Nurimu, Inner Mongolia, China:]