Published Date: 2018-07-25 15:08:21
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Algeria (04): bovine, st O, genotyped topotype EA-3
Archive Number: 20180725.5925984


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Wed 25 Jul 2018 [accessed]
Source: FAO World Reference Laboratory for FMD (WRLFMD) Genotyping Report, Algeria [summ., edited]

FMDV serotype: O
Country: Algeria
Year: 2018
Batch: WRLFMD/2018/00019
No. of sequences: 2
Report date: 10 July 2018
Report generated by: Kasia Bankowska
Report checked by: Antonello Di Nardo

Virus sample name: ALG/1/2018
Sender reference: 1032/LCV
Location of origin: Bouinan, Centre, Blida
Country of origin: Algeria
Date of collection: 20 Jun 2018
Host species: cattle
Serotype: O
Topotype: EA-3
Lineage: -
Sublineage: -
Sequence length: 633
Ambiguities: 0
Created: 6 Jul 2018
Last updated: 6 Jul 2018

1. Most closely related sequences:
Sequence // virus name // host // percentage Id. // No. ambig // serotype // topotype // lineage // sublineage
viba_36947 // ALG/2/2018 // cattle // 99.8 // 0 // O // EA-3
viba_30981 // NIG/10/2016 // cattle // 98.3 // 0 // O // EA-3
viba_31009 // NIG/17/2016 // cattle // 98.3 // 0 // O // EA-3
viba_30961 // NIG/4/2016 // cattle // 98.3 // 0 // O // EA-3
viba_30977 // NIG/9/2016 // cattle // 98.3 // 0 // O // EA-3
viba_31017 // NIG/19/2016 // cattle // 98.3 // 0 // O // EA-3
viba_30965 // NIG/5/2016 // cattle // 98.3 // 0 // O // EA-3
viba_30985 // NIG/11/2016 // cattle // 98.3 // 0 // O // EA-3
viba_31013 // NIG/18/2016 // cattle // 98.1 // 0 // O // EA-3
viba_30973 // NIG/7/2016 // sheep // 98.1 // 0 // O // EA-3

2. Most closely-related prototype sequences
Sequence // virus name // host // percentage Id. // No. ambig // serotype // topotype // lineage // sublineage
viba_116 // SUD/2/86 // bovine // 89.1 // 0 // O // EA-3
viba_854 // ETH/1/2007 // cattle // 86.0 // 0 // O EA-3
viba_408 // ETH/3/2004 // cattle // 85.8 // 0 // O // EA-3
viba_50 // UGA/17/98 // - // 85.2 // 0 // O // EA-4
viba_285 // UKG/35/2001 // porcine // 84.4 // 0 // O // ME-SA // PanAsia
viba_85 // UGA/3/2002 // - // 84.4 // 0 // O // EA-2
viba_576 // IND/R2/75 // - // 84.1 // 0 // O // ME-SA
viba_104 // GHA/5/93 // bovine // 84.1 // 0 // O // WA
viba_766 // IRN/31/2009 // cattle // 84.0 // 0 // O // ME-SA // PanAsia-2 // FAR-09
viba_523 // K83/79 // - // 84.0 // 0 // O // EA-1

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[The report includes the results of another (one) sample received at WRLFMD from Algeria, its data being the following:

Virus sample name: ALG/2/2018
Sender reference: 1067/LCV
Location of origin: Mekla, Centre, Tizi Ouzou
Country of origin: Algeria
Date of collection: 21/06/2018
Host species: cattle
Serotype: O
Topotype: EA-3

For the detailed results of sample ALG/2/2018, namely the listed 10 "Most closely related sequences" and 10 "Most closely-related prototype sequences", which are very closely related (though not homologous) to those of sample ALG/1/2018, please refer to the original report at the source URL.

The report includes also a phylogenetic tree (dendrogram) showing the genetic closeness of the current Algerian FMDV-O (EA-3) strain to various EA-3 strains from several countries/years (Nigeria, CAR, Sudan, Egypt, Eritrea and Ethiopia).

According to Algeria's semi-annual reports for 2017, during the 2nd semester (Jul-Dec 2017), 1 963 467 bovines were preventively vaccinated against FMD (to our best knowledge, serotypes A and O were included in the vaccine). No FMD vaccinations were carried out in Algeria during the 1st semester of 2017, according to the relevant OIE periodic report. No vaccinations in small ruminants are mentioned in both periodic reports, nor during the current event. During the current, continuing event, several thousand bovines have already been vaccinated and are, reportedly, to be vaccinated.

It will be interesting to note which vaccine strains are included in the vaccine applied in Algeria and if the vaccination history of the affected holdings has been studied.

The following excerpt from a paper (Ref 1) authored by Pirbright's experts, accepted for publication in Oct 2017, is of relevance:

"In this study a total of 80 serotype O FMD viruses (FMDV) isolated from 1993 to 2012 from East and North Africa were characterized by virus neutralisation tests, using bovine antisera to 3 existing (O/KEN/77/78, O/Manisa and O/PanAsia-2) and 3 putative (O/EA/2002, O/EA/2009 and O/EA/2010) vaccine strains and by capsid sequencing. Genetically, these viruses were grouped as either of East African origin with subdivision into 4 topotypes (EA-1, 2, 3 and 4) or of Middle-East South Asian (ME-SA) topotype. The ME-SA topotype viruses were mainly detected in Egypt and Libya reflecting the trade links with the Middle East countries. There was good serological cross-reactivity between the vaccine strains and most of the field isolates analysed, indicating that vaccine selection should not be a major constraint for control of serotype O FMD by vaccination, and that both local and internationally available commercial vaccines could be used. The O/KEN/77/78 vaccine, commonly used in the region, exhibited comparatively lower percent in vitro match against the predominant topotypes (EA-2 and EA-3) circulating in the region whereas O/PanAsia-2 and O/Manisa vaccines revealed broader protection against East African serotype O viruses, even though they genetically belong to the ME-SA topotype".

Subscribers are reminded that the major 2014-2015 FMD-O epizootic, which started in Algeria and eventually engulfed all 3 Maghreb countries, was caused by the virus strain genotyped as topotype ME-SA, lineage Ind-2001d.

Notably, in early 2017 FMDV O topotype EA-3 penetrated, on the eastern side of the Mediterranean, 2 Asian territories: the Gaza strip (PAT) and southern Israel. This spread most probably originated in Egypt, where EA-3 had been circulating for several years.

1. Lloyd-Jones K, Mahapatra M, Upadhyaya S, Paton DJ, Babu A, Hutchings G and Parida S. Genetic and antigenic characterization of serotype O FMD viruses from East Africa for the selection of suitable vaccine strains. Vaccine 35 (2017) 6842-6849. - Mod.AS

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