Published Date: 2024-01-24 22:17:21 GMT
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Algeria (03): (RE, TB) livestock, spread
Archive Number: 20240124.8714442


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Sat 20 Jan 2024
Source: Eldjoumhouria [in Arabic, trans. Mod.SF, abridged, edited]

[In] Relizane, 17 970 cattle [have been] vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease, and the campaign continues. The State Veterinary Inspectorate in Relizane continues the vaccination campaign..., targeting 23 000 head of cows and calves, which it has started since late last December [2023] as a preventive measure after confirming the emergence of cases of this disease in some states of the country, where it recruited 68 veterinarians for this purpose to cover all regions of the state.

It was learned that the veterinary services have recorded 2 outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in the state, one of which is confirmed in cows in the village Baransia in the province of Zemmora, and a 2nd outbreak was suspected in sheep in the area of Kef Lazraq in the commune of Sidi Lazreg. The veterinary services have implemented sanitary measures to prevent the spread of the disease.

[Byline: Linda Biljilali]

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Date: Tue 23 Jan 2024
Source: Le Quotidien - Algeria [in French, trans., edited]

Nearly 90% of the livestock in the wilaya [state] of Tébessa have been vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease as a preventive measure against this viral infection, according to the director of agricultural services (DSA).

In a statement to the APS [Algeria Press Service/Algérie Presse Service], Mokhtar Merzoug specified that the operation, launched in December [2023], is coming to an end across the territory of the wilaya after the vaccination which took place in good levels of 90% of the livestock by 60 veterinarians from both public and private sectors.

The wilaya of Tébessa benefited from a quota of 9000 doses of vaccines against foot-and-mouth disease, underlined the same official, who added that the authorities of the wilaya have issued an order for the extension of the closure of livestock markets and prohibiting the movement of inter-states herds without a veterinary certificate.

In the meantime, the wilaya of Tébessa has recorded confirmed cases of infection of herds in the 2 communes of El Ogla El Melha and El Houidjebet, which required, according to the same official, the extension of the closure of livestock markets and the intensification of controlling the movement of herds between the wilayas and towards [the neighboring country of] Tunisia.

The livestock of the wilaya of Tébessa consists of more than 11 500 cattle, 570 000 sheep, 144 000 goats, and 674 horses, it was indicated.

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[Several Algerian local media sources have reported the spread of the disease to other wilayas such as Sétif, Msila, Tebessa (item [2]), and Bouira (see posts below). Moreover, livestock markets were closed in several wilayas. The reemergence of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) was officially reported to the WOAH on 10 Dec 2023; however, no follow-up report has been submitted since that date. Information regarding the serotype(s) currently circulating in Algeria is pending.

Algeria's neighboring countries have also reported the re-emergence of foot-and-mouth disease. The Tunisia WOAH follow-up report can be accessed at, and the Libya WOAH follow-up report can be seen at - Mod.SF

ProMED map of Algeria:,67