Published Date: 2023-12-20 17:09:38 GMT
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Algeria (02): (MS, TB) spread, st O, livest market closures
Archive Number: 20231220.8713816


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Mon 18 Dec 2023
Source: Erraya Online [in Arabic, trans. Mod.SF, abridged, edited]

Due to the seriousness of the disease and to limit it to a specific area and prevent its spread, the governor of the state of M'Sila issued Monday [18 Dec 2023] a decision that includes the temporary closure of livestock markets and preventing the gathering of animals across the territory of the state. This decision comes after it was confirmed that livestock in an agricultural farm in the Khettouti Sed El Djir commune was infected with foot-and-mouth disease.

According to the governor's statement, to avoid the spread of a disease, it was temporarily decided, depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation of foot-and-mouth disease, to close all weekly and daily livestock markets and to prohibit all animal gatherings across the territory of the state until the animal health situation stabilizes. The movement of animals, especially sensitive animals (cows, goats and sheep), will also be subject to conditions, including the possession of a health certificate proving the safety of livestock from foot-and-mouth disease.

[Byline: Farida Hadadi]

Communicated by:

Date: Sat 16 Dec 2023
Source: Annasr Online [in Arabic, trans. Mod.SF, abridged, edited]

The governor of Tebessa state issued a temporary decision to temporarily close livestock markets across the municipalities of the state and to prevent the gathering of animals to avoid infection with foot-and-mouth disease, in accordance with the decision issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, related to the precautionary and urgent preventive measures to be taken to prevent the spread of foot-and-mouth disease.

The decision stipulates the closure of livestock markets for a renewable period of 30 days, depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation. The decision also includes preventing the movement of animals outside the territory of the state. Animal movements, including for slaughter at municipal abattoirs, must be accompanied by a medical certificate issued by the veterinary inspector.

The Chamber of Agriculture in Tebessa has embarked on a large-scale operation to educate farmers and breeders about the seriousness of this disease, with the aim of preventing its spread, given its danger to livestock. Samples have been taken from goats, sheep and cows, for analysis by the competent regional laboratory in the wilaya of El Tarf.

The veterinary inspector of the state stated that the vaccination campaign against foot-and-mouth disease is continuing, calling for speeding up the process, adding that the need to vaccinate all cows at the state level must be stressed, especially at the level of border municipalities.

The Directorate of Agriculture emphasizes the importance of following up on the situation in order to intervene in any emergency, to surround the suspicious hotspots to which the disease could be transmitted, as well as to recruit the largest number of mobile teams in these areas, to educate and sensitize breeders to the need to take precaution and caution and prevent the contact of cows with unknown breeds, especially those smuggled from Tunisia.

[Byline: A Ncib]

Communicated by:

[On 10 Dec 2023, Algeria reported to the WOAH 2 bovine FMDV outbreaks in Sétif governorate (see post 20231211.8713661). Up to 14 Dec 2023, Tunisia has reported 4 FMDV outbreaks due to serotype O in the following governorates: 1 in Nabeul, 2 in Monastir, and 1 in Tozeur (

The following are excerpts from the WOAH bulletin regarding animal movements in the run-up to religious festivals in Tunisia (

"The trade flows identified show animal movements throughout Tunisia with a concentration of flows in the centre and north of the country. Trade with Algeria was observed largely in the north and centre of the country."

"The animal mobility study is an asset for the surveillance of animal and zoonotic diseases. The resulting information could be used when drawing up disease risk maps. Surveillance and management based on animal disease risk could be used to optimise the budgets allocated to animal health, especially in the Tunisian context. A regional approach to such surveys in the Maghreb region would certainly provide key elements for understanding and managing transboundary disease introduction and propagation routes. In addition, a study and regular monitoring of meat prices in markets in the Maghreb region would give a better understanding of the direction of movements, especially in the run-up to major religious festivals, and so help to optimise surveillance." - Mod.SF

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