Published Date: 2024-05-01 02:00:29 BST
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Foot & mouth disease - Indonesia: (JT) cattle, spread
Archive Number: 20240501.8716248


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of theInternational Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Mon 29 Apr 2024 17:11 WIB
Source: Kompas [in Indonesian, machine trans., edited]

The Food and Agriculture Security Service of Klaten Regency, Central Java said that there are still cows in Klaten that are infected with foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). Head of the Klaten Agriculture and Food Security Service, Widiyanti, said that currently there are 11 cattle infected with FMD.

This number is spread across 4 sub-districts, namely, Ngawen 1 case, Karangnongko 1 case, Trucuk 6 cases, and Wonosari 3 cases. "Until now, there are still FMD [cases]. There are only 11 active cases," said Widiyanti, when contacted on Monday [29 Apr 2024].

Even though FMD is still found, Widiyanti said the number is not as large as in 2023. He said that the total number of cows infected with FMD in 2023 would reach 4000 cases. Meanwhile, this year [2024], it is relatively small. Based on data from January to April 2024, there were 60 cases recorded. "Previously, the total number of cases in one year was almost 4000 compared to the previous year. Compared to last year [2023], it is very far. But there are still some and we must continue to monitor them," he said.

According to him, the death rate for livestock infected with FMD is low and can be cured with an incubation period of 14 days and a healing period of 14 days.

"There were no reports of deaths. So, as soon as it was found, it was immediately treated [dealt with]. Thank God they recovered," he said again.

Widiyanti said that currently the FMD vaccination is still being carried out. The realization of vaccination to date is vaccination [phase] 1 with 68 653 doses, vaccination [phase] 2 with 56 579 doses, vaccination [phase] 3 with 38 911 doses and vaccination [phase] 4 with 5308 doses.

Furthermore, Widiyanti said, he had monitored livestock traffic at the animal market. This was done to anticipate the transmission of strategic infectious animal diseases (PHMS), including FMD and anthrax.

"We are currently optimizing the control of strategic infectious animal diseases. Among them are FMD, anthrax and so on. One of the crucial aspects is the traffic aspect. It is the gateway to many animal markets. Currently we are optimizing it in order to control our PHMS; we increase supervision in animal markets," he explained.

[Byline: Labib Zamani, Sari Hardiyanto]

Communicated by:

["After a long time enjoying FMD-free status by the OIE (WOAH), now FMD is again a real threat that slowly and surely causes big losses for farmers and the Indonesian state. The return of FMD at any time can occur due to the threat of global trade in livestock and livestock products, especially from countries infected with FMD. The global traffic situation, both human and goods, opens up opportunities for the spread of FMD widely from countries that are not yet free of FMD and into Indonesian territory."

"FMD is a highly contagious epidemic that attacks many livestock in Indonesia. In addition to being highly contagious, this disease also causes huge economic losses. The condition of livestock trade traffic between domestic and international regions supports the spread of this virus very quickly. Therefore, extra efforts are needed to control the widespread infection and cause higher livestock mortality. Until October 2022, cattle deaths due to ASF in Indonesia reached 9555 heads. The government has carried out socialization, vaccination and direct handling to the field to control the spread of FMD. The role of all parties is needed in preventing, detecting, and responding to the current FMD outbreak, so that Indonesia can be free from FMD" (

"Klaten Regency is a regency in Central Java province in Indonesia. Klaten borders Boyolali Regency in the North, Sukoharjo Regency and Wonogiri Regency in the East, and the Special Region of Yogyakarta to the South and West" (

The WOAH's "SEACFMD (South-East Asia and China Foot and Mouth Disease Campaign) Roadmap 2021-2025" is available at

The FMD outbreak in Indonesia since May 2022 poses significant challenges due to the country's FMD-free status since 1986, impacting livestock, biosecurity, and economy. In this article, an FMD outbreak in livestock in Indonesia was reported, which is causing significant socioeconomic, animal health and biosecurity concerns in the country: - Mod.TTM

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