The World Reference Laboratory for FMD (The Pirbright Institute) and the FMD Laboratory, Center for Animal Disease Modeling and Surveillance (University of California in Davis), in collaboration with the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (University of Arizona), have joined efforts to create a web-based system for spatio-temporal visualization, graphing, data sharing, and analysis of foot-and-mouth disease serotype data for samples routinely tested at the The Pirbright Institute and data collected by the FMD Lab through the FMD News.

The web-based system, referred to as the Disease BioPortal, can be accessed at no charge.

The Disease BioPortal allows retrieval and graphic and tabular display of serotype data on recent and historic FMD cases throughout the world. Future developments will include links to information available from other laboratories and national and international agencies, and visualization and analysis of FMD virus sequence information.